Fill out the form here!
If you run into any problems or have any questions, please send an email to services@scesoc.ca to discuss a solution.
PICK UP INFO: All prints will be available for pickup from the SCESoc Office. You will be contacted when the print has been completed to arrange. We are not offering shipping or delivery to other locations on campus at this time.
MULTIPLE PRINTS: Individuals are able to request multiple prints at a time, but if there are other prints in the queue then additional prints will be bumped back to the end of the line to fairly accommodate others. If you have a preferred order of priority, please email services@scesoc.ca and indicate clearly which is needed first.
DISCLAIMER: We NO LONGER require a deposit for 3D printing orders. Additionally, any post-finishing work is your responsibility and not a service that we provide.
Thank you for your engagement in SCESoc!