3D Printing

Fill out the form here!

Fill out what you would like and ensure you have sent the correct payment amount to scesoc.carleton@gmail.com. If an incorrect amount is received or no payment is received you will be contacted to rectify the situation.

If you run into any problems or have any questions please send an email to services@scesoc.ca to resolve them. If they are concerning payment, contact financeadmin@scesoc.ca.

NOTE: All prints will be for pickup on Carleton campus. You will be contacted to schedule a pickup time when the print has been completed. If you would like to order an item for delivery, please contact us at services@scesoc.ca to inquire as the shipping costs for these objects can be fairly expensive.

DISCLAIMER: We require a $5.00 deposit for any print orders. Please send the payment to scesoc.carleton@gmail.com and it will be sent back to you when your order has been picked up.

DISCLAIMER: Any post-finishing work is your responsibility and not a service that we provide.

Thank you for your engagement in SCESoc!